Anna Dhanam - The Food Donation
“Food”, one of the prime basic necessity of life is considered to be the best among all the donations (as told by Sri Vallalaar Siddhar). All other forms of donations, will never achieve the state of fullfillness from the recipient. Only Anna Dhanam has the unique ability of satisfying the recipient instantly within a short duration and brings the recipient to a state of fullfillment to bless the donor from the depth of the heart with happiness. When a person is satisfied or fullfilled, the body, mind and soul works in unison and the words which comes out of the mouth will have more positive vibes.These blessings out of sheer happiness and satisfication will reduce the bad karmic effect in ones life. In this selfish world, the meaning of the word “Dhanam” has been forgotten due to the fast moving, dynamic, money-minded culture, spread all over. It is said in the Vedhas that, he who is the creator of lifeforms, is who gives food for their sustenance. To a poor and needy who starves for nourishment, one becomes godly when he/she offers food.
The term “Annam” means food and the term “Athithi” means guests. It is the age old tradition followed from the times when humans worshipped sun god, to honour the arriving guests with feast and gifts. Food doesn’t mean just the input for the stomach. It is the one which gets ingested by all the senses of the body and the soul. It provides the basic energy for the survival of all living beings on this earth.
At the Ashram, anna dhanam is done at all days for the arriving priests, sages, saints, devotees and guests. At times of functions, the ashram sees a multitude of diners in more than thousand numbers feasting on fresh vegetarian food, consisting of all the six tastes viz. sweet (Inippu), salty (Karippu), sour (Pulippu), bitter (Kasappu), spicy (Uraippu) and astringent (Uvarppu). These dharma (charity) services are sponsored or contributed for the sake of public seva by the devotees and followers of Ayyaa and Anna. Whomever who seeks the blessings of Lord Shiva and Goddess Ambal, shall generously contribute for this service at all times by contacting the ashram’s office.
Aadai Dhanam - The Garment Donation
Considered to be second among the basic necessities of life, cloth plays a significant role in human’s life. It provides protection to the physical body to safeguard it against the nature’s differing climatic conditions and also paves way for human to live a more civilized life when compared to other life forms on this earth. One who contributes/donates cloth to poor and needy will get prosperity (Mangalam) in their life and the graceful blessings of Goddess Ambal.
Poor and Needy people who cannot afford to earn for satisfying the three basic needs of their life, are often invited at Ashram’s premises and provided with new garments. At the ashram, approximately in a year, more than 5000 Dhoties and Saris are provided to poor men and women who come from downtrodden villages and slums. If you want to celebrate the happiness seen out of a poor’s face and get the divine blessings of all the Siddhars and Goddess Ambal, you can contribute your donations by contacting the Ashram’s office.

Cash For The Poor And Needy
In every function/occassion at Kollimalai siddhar sri kagapujadar Adheenam, some economically weaker villages and the list of families who fall under poverty class are identified with the help of their respective panchayat authorities. Widowers, Orphans, poor families, families who cannot afford to proper shelter and basic amenities, and older aged people without any famlily/financial support are some of the poverty classes selected for the financial support from Kollimalai siddhar sri kagapujadar Adheenam. Ayya provides the cash in-hand to them and blesses for the upliftment of their wealth and health.
Apart from these activities, several economically weaker school children are invited at all the special occassions of the ashram and are provided with free study materials and stationery items like Notebook, geometry box, pencil, pen, ruler, eraser etc. These are done to bring happiness in their heart and a moral support to excel in their studies. As advised by Ayya many other charitable activities are planned for the future.